The Best Ways for the World to End

Picture-Books, Non-fiction Children's Books

How do we want our world to be?
The world as we know it will end; this development is already in process. And what will come after that? In concise texts and spectacular picture panels, this book presents  several very different scenarios for our future. Will we only be able to survive in spaceships? Will there be a great drought or even a flood? Could the end turn into something beautiful, such as a time period without wars and borders? What would life be like without cars or with roaming animals? In twelve bold visions, Andrea Paluch describes the possible endings and continuations of our current world, while keeping the concrete everyday life of families at the center of her descriptions. The accompanying luminous, large-format pictures that Annabelle von Sperber has created are impressive and enchanting, and will trigger a flood of further fantasies.

  • Beautiful, eerie and inspiring - a picture book full of material for visions, discussions and dreams
  • Magically beautiful, irresistible pictures for children and adults alike
Andrea Paluch

Andrea Paluch, born in 1970, holds degrees in English and German. She lives as a freelance author in Flensburg and Berlin.

Annabelle von Sperber

Annabelle von Sperber, born in 1973, holds a degree in design and studied book arts at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg. She has been illustrating children's books for various publishers for years and she also teaches at the Academy for Illustration and Design in Berlin. Annabelle von Sperber lives in Berlin and the Black Forest.

The Best Ways for the World to End

How do we want our world to be?
The world as we know it will end; this development is already in process. And what will come after that? In concise texts and spectacular picture panels, this book presents  several very different scenarios for our future. Will we only be able to survive in spaceships? Will there be a great drought or even a flood? Could the end turn into something beautiful, such as a time period without wars and borders? What would life be like without cars or with roaming animals? In twelve bold visions, Andrea Paluch describes the possible endings and continuations of our current world, while keeping the concrete everyday life of families at the center of her descriptions. The accompanying luminous, large-format pictures that Annabelle von Sperber has created are impressive and enchanting, and will trigger a flood of further fantasies.

  • Beautiful, eerie and inspiring - a picture book full of material for visions, discussions and dreams
  • Magically beautiful, irresistible pictures for children and adults alike
Bibliographic Data
32 pages, ISBN: 978-3-95470-255-8
First published 2021