Doc Felix – Feel Good

Getting healthy and staying healthy

Doc Felix treats his patients before they get ill – on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and his successful podcast DocTalk. This is where his fans pick up tips on nutrition, fi nd out how they can prevent backache, what migraines and earwax are all about, and above all, that doctors always arrive on the scene too late: when we’re already ill. So, we have to attend to our health and fitness prior to that. But isn’t that too laborious? Constantly exercising and eeting our greens? No, not with Doc Felix. He shows us how to get healthy without having to battle with ourselves every day – because a healthy life is a happy life. 

• Health is fun with Doc Felix!
• Prevention instead of after-care: it’s not hard to lead a healthy life
• For readers of Anne Fleck

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Die Welt

Der Arzt Felix Berndt, auch bekannt als Doc Felix auf TikTok, verrät, was dem Körper und der Psyche ...guttut. more less


Eat Smarter!

So werden und bleiben Sie gesund.


Die PTA in der Apotheke

Flott und pfiffig erklären die beiden, wie Gesundheit geht.


Die Storyfactory

Doc Felix – WOW. Selten habe ich ein Buch – von einem Arzt geschrieben – gelesen, welches amüsant un...d gleichzeitig wissenschaftlich ist. Unbedingt Lesen!!! more less

Ullrich Höltkemeier, 31.05.2023