Russia’s war, Hamas‘ war and Israel’s military response, Chinas harassment against Taiwan and conflict with the West. America’s foreign policy is pushed to the limit and split on domestic policy. Traditional centrist parties in Europe are diminishing or have vanished, whilst the populist challenge to the system is gaining ground.
Norbert Röttgen analyses how the wars that threaten Europe, lead at the same time to an escalation in tensions across societies and threats to the authority of Western democracies. Foreign policy and the state of our democratic systems have become inseparable. The good news is: policy can move things on. Our country must be a force for security and peace in Europe.
1. Auflage
Dr. Norbert Röttgen, geboren 1965, ist Jurist und seit 1994 Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages. Er war Erster Parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Bundesumweltminister, von 2014 bis 2021 Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses, dem er auch in dieser Wahlperiode angehört. Röttgen ist der profilierteste deutsche Außenpolitiker.
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The Times
Norbert Roettgen, one of the wisest strategic thinkers and players in German politics, has written a... blistering critique of his country’s foreign policy towards the wars of the present and the future. It is sharply observed, briskly written and compellingly argued, a must-read for all those in the west worried about the cohesion of NATO as the Russian war against Ukraine reaches a critical phase. Roettgen makes the case for constant innovation and reappraisal in foreign policy, and the need for leaders to explain to voters that there are essential causes worth fighting for. He writes passionately as a politician who cares about peace but who understands that democracies have to be ready to go to war against the enemies of freedom. mehr weniger
Roger Boyes, 13.09.2024